Honoring Bill Kenwright

The RYTC team was deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our friend and patron Bill Kenwright CBE. 

Bill was a partner, father, grandfather, great friend and patron. He will be missed by many and this is testament to his giving nature and impact on the theatre and creative arts space. The team wanted to honour his legacy and influence with this memorial page.

The RYTC’s Artistic Director started her career in Bill Kenwright’s work family. Bill told her to go and open her own youth theatre, because ‘being creative is so important for our kids!’ His mantra… “go and do it”!! And if “it” is right – then you can’t fail.”

To name only a fraction of the awards and achievements Bill received are the notable honour of a CBE in 2002, a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Theatrical Management Association in 2008, and an honourary BBC Radio 2 special episode of Friday Night in 2017 broadcast from the London Palladium itself. Bill was nominated for a London Theatre Critics’ Award for West Side Story and a Tony Award for Blood Brothers.

This multi-award winning career saw Bill’s West End productions constantly in notable venues such as the RSC, Dominion, Palladium, Apollo and many others. Ensuring his legacy as one of the UK’s most successful theatre producers.

Bill embodied the spirit of empowering young people through creative opportunities. His legacy will be felt and continued through the many groups and communities he supported with the mission of providing opportunities to local young people. Bill made his community and generations of people richer through experiences such as finding like minds, getting creative and fostering confidence in young people.

The RYTC in memory of Bill will continue to “go and do it” as his legacy will continue to empower our team, kids and encourage everyone to be creative.

Our thoughts are with Bill’s family at this difficult time and also with the many people we know he impacted for the better.

As a parent, you want to encourage your child’s interests and passions. If your child loves theatre, there are many ways you can support their love for this art form.

In this blog, we’ll explore some tips and suggestions for parents on how to encourage and support their child’s interest in theatre.

1. Attend Theatre Performances

One of the most important ways to support your child’s love for theatre is to attend theatre performances together. Whether it’s a local youth theatre production or a professional show, seeing live theatre can be a transformative experience. Not only will your child be exposed to different styles of theatre and storytelling, but they’ll also see the magic and excitement of a live performance.

2. Encourage Creativity

Theatre is all about creativity, and you can support your child’s love for theatre by encouraging their own creative pursuits. Provide opportunities for your child to explore their own creativity through art projects, creative writing, or even improvisation games. Encourage your child to think outside the box and try new things.

3. Provide Opportunities for Performance

If your child loves theatre, they likely love performing as well. Look for opportunities for your child to perform, such as in a school play or local theatre production. If your child is interested in writing or directing, encourage them to create their own short plays or skits and put on a performance with friends and family.

4. Read Plays Together

Reading plays together is a great way to support your child’s love for theatre. Choose plays that are appropriate for your child’s age and interests and read them together. Discuss the characters, plot, and themes of the play with your child. This can also be a great way to introduce your child to different styles of theatre, such as Shakespearean plays or modern dramas.

5. Foster a Love of Learning

Theatre is a constantly evolving art form, and there is always something new to learn. Encourage your child to continue learning about theatre by reading books, attending workshops, or even taking classes. This can help your child develop a deeper appreciation for theatre and build skills that will serve them well in the future.

6. Create a Theatre Space at Home

Creating a theatre space at home can be a fun and creative way to support your child’s love for theatre. Set up a space in your home where your child can rehearse, create costumes, or even put on their own performances. This can help your child feel supported and encouraged in their love for theatre.

7. Support Theatre Education in Schools

If your child’s school offers theatre classes or productions, make sure to encourage and support their participation. Talk to your child’s teachers about how you can get involved in supporting the school’s theatre program, whether it’s by volunteering, fundraising, or attending performances.

8. Connect with Other Theatre Parents

Connecting with other parents whose children love the theatre can be a great way to share ideas, resources, and support. Look for local theatre groups or parent organizations and attend meetings or events. This can be a great way to connect with other families who share your passion for theatre.

9. Provide Encouragement and Positive Feedback

Children thrive on positive feedback and encouragement, and this is especially true when it comes to theatre. Make sure to provide your child with plenty of encouragement and positive feedback, whether it’s after a performance or during rehearsals. Let your child know that you’re proud of their hard work and dedication.

10. Embrace the Journey

Finally, remember that supporting your child’s love for theatre is a journey. There will be ups and downs, successes and failures, but the most important thing is to embrace the journey and enjoy the ride. Encourage your child to have fun and enjoy the process, and celebrate their successes along the way.

In summary, supporting your child’s love for theatre is all about providing opportunities for exploration, creativity, learning, and positive feedback. Whether it’s attending theatre performances, connecting with other theatre parents, or embracing the journey, there are many ways you can support your child’s love for this exciting and transformative art form.